Multi-IN project – a real support in schools for pupils with spina bifida and hydrocephalus

At the beginning of the collaboration, the dream was for materials that would support the inclusion of children and pupils in mainstream nursery, primary and secondary schools.
The journey to make this dream come true began in Bulgaria. The mother of a teenage girl created and wrote an application for an Erasmus plus project. She presented its form to an organization in Slovakia. Experts, parents, volunteers, and young people with spina bifida and hydrocephalus were invited to participate. Thanks to the great efforts of many people, the Multi-IN General Guideline, 8 Multi-IN manuals for 8 different target groups and 8 educational videos were born. All the outputs of the project are gradually being rolled out to the world. The first manuals started in school with a first grader, Peter, who was refused admission by the regular school in his village. At that time, three existing Multi-IN manuals were already waiting for him in this school. Shortly before the start of the school year, the school, according to legislation and the decision of the superior institutions, had to accept the child in a wheelchair and create conditions for him. Peter enjoys going to school and is doing well at school. We believe that thanks to the support from the Multi-IN materials, which were at the parent’s meeting with the experts from the counselling center and the school. The head teacher, the teacher, the special education teacher, the psychologist, the mother and others know where to look for answers to the situations that arise.
At the same time, a graduate of an ordinary primary school was admitted to a vocational secondary school. Adrian was looking forward to leaving the elementary school where he was just put through the wringer most of the time. He knew that in some schools, students like him were accepted, supported and involved in all activities.
The secondary school had no experience of a pupil like him before, but they were committed to creating the best possible conditions for him to feel accepted. Multi-IN educational videos and manuals have also come to the school with him. School management, teachers and the pupil himself can benefit from the knowledge, research and experience of others translated into manuals and educational videos. In another kindergarten, a new special educator has started work. One of the first challenges she faced in her new job was a child with spina bifida. After a joint meeting between the school management, the teachers, the assistant, the special educator and the psychologist, she expressed her gratitude for the Multi-IN manual for her work with the child.
Those professionals who work with families with children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus at an early age appreciated how the outputs of the project help them in guiding these families. They are able to support parents as a result of them, feel more competent in topics related to the diagnoses and are able to support parents more effectively.
The Multi-IN project outputs focus on the rights of people with spina bifida and hydrocephalus, on the family and on effective cooperation.

Dreams can bring together people from different countries, speaking different languages, working in different professions. Dreams can also have a brand, such as the Multi-IN one.
And when dreams made real bring better sleep to parents, pupils, professionals, educators and school leaders, they become the basis for a better world for all, because that is the goal of inclusive education.

“Inclusive education will not save the world, but it will transform many parts of the world into more beautiful places to live and make a fundamental difference in the lives of pupils.”

Terézia Drdulová, co-author of the Multi-IN project outputs from Slovakia